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Monday, March 8, 2010


Firstly, lets warmly congrats the master for winning another achievement for the fam! =x

Ok back to the point, here are the members that had joined de fam in the past ONE month. They are:

Wow, thats alot yeah? haha, hope i did not miss anyone out. Anyway lets welcome them to our DEAD(due to work and study) fam! *Sound Effect: wuuuuu

But this fam will never die :D It is a fam for friends to bond, a fam to have fun. So don't worry about how good or bad your skill is! Once you are being recruited, you belong to one of us :D You guys are welcomed! *Sound Effect: clappppppppp

Your most KE LIAN(always kanna bully) master,

3:46 PM

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I tried my best ok.. see de time now.. where can get such a good master ;shy
hope u all like it.. any suggestion put in tagboard i try change..
if background still not ok tell me, i change til u all like

8:04 AM

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Omg, what happened to blogger? wow, i don't even know how to use it now. Anyways. FAM outing will be held this saturday , date - 15/8/09 @ 1 PM @ Marina Square.
How to go there? MRT to city hall. and follow the intructions there. If you all want, we can actually meet @ city hall interchange. The control station there. Don't be late. Latecomers will be charged $2 for every 15 mins. Payment will go to Sky.C A.K.A Ivy-
Members that are going are as followed
-WHITNEY(if she wakes up)

Our JR Riceyy won't be joining us due to her H1N1, FAM MEMBERS WISH HER TO FAST RECOVERY OKAY! caca, your mind and soul, is with us(=

8:23 PM

Thursday, July 30, 2009

As you people know, me and cara is planning together for a fam outing.. as u all noe, it will be out first Amaranthine outing.. in de past, we had many players tt always cant make it and thus caused us not to have any outing in de end.. now tt de fam is revived again, i believe tt this time round, de fam is able to have outing already! cos i can see tt de people in de fam is really close to each other and most of us had seen each other before.. so wun be shy shy or wat le :D

Anyway, de purpose of me blogging this post is for u all to vote which movie u all prefer de most.. cos watching movie is one of de movie we had planned..
1)The Hangover (Funny)[Now Showing]
2)Overheard (Thriller)[Now Showing]
3)The Haunting (Horror)[Now Showing]
4)Where Got Ghost? (Horror)[Out On 13 August 2009]
5)Up (Adventure)[Out On 06 August 2009]
All the movies above is base on Cathay Movies. All PG! NO NC16 or watever.. so dun have to worry tt u are underage for any movie! just kindly vote by saying de movies u all prefer in de tagboard. if i cant get any outcome, i am gonna decide for de fam den. so vote now or u regret~! ROAR!

I had some other events tt had come thru my mind, they are as follow:
-Pizza Hut
-Yuki Yaki
-Seoul Garden
-Pasta Mania
-Ministry Of Food

National day coming! we can slack around and watch fireworks as a fam HAHAHA!

3)Drinking <3
For people above 18 only.. this will be at nite after all other xiaomeimei/xiaodidi go home.. :D den de old one go drink if they wan..

That is all i have to say.. kindly tag ur suggestion if u all had any.. Thank you~

From de most LOVING Master,

12:01 AM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hi everyone! Yes i'm back , back for good this time. Hah. Anyways, some changes to Amaranthine, due to inactive of SoInLoveWithU , I've decided to come back to amaranthine, merging my previous fam called INSOLENT and bringing over 3 loyal and good members ! Firstly, let's welcome them! It's OmFgItZMaTT, Star- & last my not least, Whitney- !
Since i'm back to amaranthine, i shall do the blog thingy, updating post and all. Yup. Members have been updated , Fam ranks , points & win/lose have been updated also! Recently, i've seen some members of amaranthine roaming around Free 1. People like -ACRE , - ACME & ~pretence! I've redo the music also! Till then , peace everyone!


4:42 AM