Omg, what happened to blogger? wow, i don't even know how to use it now. Anyways. FAM outing will be held this saturday , date - 15/8/09 @ 1 PM @ Marina Square. How to go there? MRT to city hall. and follow the intructions there. If you all want, we can actually meet @ city hall interchange. The control station there. Don't be late. Latecomers will be charged $2 for every 15 mins. Payment will go to Sky.C A.K.A Ivy- Members that are going are as followed -ACRE -ACME -DANCEWITHPRO -MAGIC -ELEMENT -SOINLOVEWITHU -IVY -WHITNEY(if she wakes up) -ZASSIE -OMFGITZMATT -PRETENCE
Our JR Riceyy won't be joining us due to her H1N1, FAM MEMBERS WISH HER TO FAST RECOVERY OKAY! caca, your mind and soul, is with us(=